Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Do You Spell Relief?

My life passed before me, and I saw the stars Saturday.

A couple of my sister's suffer greatly with headaches, I am very fortunate not to have this painful problem but only once in a while. The other day Pam had an excruciating headache and after several visits to doctors over the past few weeks, someone mentioned to her about a certain chiropractor who is very good about getting to the source of problems. My mother took Pam to an appointment in Ocala late Friday afternoon. The doctor was able to to try several things to relieve the pain and told her due to her symptoms and the painful areas she was massaging, she was probably suffering from a sinus infection. She went on to tell her things concerning the pollen at this time of the year. Did you know that your nose hairs collect that pollen and at the end of the day it is still "trapped" in the nose, causing the stuffiness and allergies so many people suffer with? She went on to tell her that though she'd "for sure" feel sore the next day due to the different massages and procedures she received, she suggested for her to try a few things...
1. Every evening, mix a little warm salt-water solution and inhale/sniff it up her nose, and repeat it a few times, letting it run to the other side of the nose. Doing this would help to clear out the nasal passages, drain the sinuses, and heal the infection.

2. Use warm packs on her neck and face.

3. Drink warm water with a little lemon.

This reminded me of something I had purchased a couple years ago, that I had seen on one those television infomercials. I'm not normally a sucker for anything, but I was desperate. For the past 8 years or so, I too have suffered with allergies and sinus problems each year. Oddly, I never had this when I was younger. The product I ordered was a small plastic jug filled with a solution that contained some of the Dead Sea salts.

I've also found that you have to be coordinated when using this... The directions tell you to cover one nostril with the bottle tip, and cover the other nostril also with your finger. You then squeeze the jug so that it shoots the solution up your nose, and if done correctly,this should come down and out through the other nostril. It's important not to turn the squeeze loose until it has been removed from your nose...that's the tricky part, as it's easy to turn it loose the moment you feel it go in. Then you repeat this on the other side. It REALLY did work and helped my sinuses, but it was somewhat costly...moreso than over-the-counter allergy and sinus medicines. When allergies make you as miserable as they do, it's worth it. Eventually I ran low and rather than purchasing more, I decided to mix up my own salt water solution.

I talked to Pam the next morning and she said she tried the salt-water solution when she got home that night, and that morning again. She also told me she was feeling 100% better. No headache or soreness thus far.

Later that afternoon I got on Facebook and saw that one of my nephew's, Tyler, was saying how miserable he was from the pollen allergies. My head was a little stopped up, so I decided to go and get my little jug of saline solution stuff I had mixed up and shoot it in my nose since I knew the procedure had worked before. I shook the jug up, just incase any salt had settled over the past year. Leaning my head over the sink as it tells you to do, I put the jug to the first nostril, and closed off the other, then gave it a rather big squeeze. I felt the water go up to my brain and back down and I turned the other nostril loose, and it drained out as it was suppose to. I then quickly did the other side the same way. It again touched the brain and back down and out.

I burnt my head and nose up. I am fortunate if I still have nose hairs. My eyes were watering, probably from the electrical-feeling shock I had just felt go through my head, and the salt solution rolled down the back of my throat--which felt as though it had completely burned my tonsils out. For 5 minutes I believe I saw little birds flying around me, I saw every star and every planet in the solar system, without the aid of a telescope...nor did I have to wait until nightfall.
I would say I got a tiny bit too much salt. Funny, I don't recall adding a whole lot at the time...I'm wondering if the salt intinsifies the longer it sits...?

Did I tell you about the Sinus Buster Nasal Spray I purchased last year? It's extracted from a hot pepper....another painful experiment. You'd think I would learn...but I feel fine right now. It's amazing what extremes one will go to for relief.